The “Picture Your Perfect Pet” concept helps our target audience to picture themselves and their families with cats or dogs from shelters and encourages them to adopt.


  • Families (with or without kids) in their late 20’s to 50’s

  • Settled down; involved with family life or their career

  • Tech-savvy, familiar with social media

  • May have misconceptions about shelters and the pets that reside in them


Convince families age late 20s-50 that they should adopt a shelter pet because they will have the opportunity to find a new family member that best fits their life.

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Our social campaign execution is an application on Facebook that identifies family photos and gives the user the option to insert different images of dogs and cats to see how the animal would fit within their family.

The images would be real, adoptable pets from shelters near the user’s area that they could gain more information about if they are interested in pet adoption. If they aren’t, it would hopefully get them thinking about bringing a pet into their life.

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Our mobile execution works with a smartphone camera and/or the user’s existing photos and presents them with pets that looks similar to them based on eye color, hair color/type, facial structure, etc.

It would then lead users to identify if any of that type of pet are available for adoption in nearby areas.


In general, people tend to select dogs that resemble them on some level. This theory was tested by researchers who found that people were able to correctly match up dogs and owners at rates greater than chance, as long as the duo’s eyes were included in the photo.

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Our print campaign focuses on the interesting phenomenon of pet owners often striking a resemblance to their pets. The ads feature dogs that clearly look like their owners and/or fit into their owner’s lifestyle to convince the audience to open their home to a new pet.

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The OOH execution also allows users to visualize in real life what their family would look like with a pet. It is an enlarged picture frame that contains a virtual pet who’s still in a shelter inside. When people walk by, they can see a reflection of themselves in the frame with the virtual pet. By placing the OOH in the mall, more families will be able to see it.

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